How does music influence our moods?

14 April 2020

Music is a universal language. All of us listen to music from different parts of the world. Without a doubt, music unites us. Many studies confirm that it is valuable for women to play music for their babies while they are pregnant, as the first sensory organ with intrauterine development is the ear. Truly, sound is our first connection with the outside world.

As music grabs our attention, it captivates and stimulates our imagination. We also associate our memories, without realising, with music. Have you noticed how certain songs remind you of events in your past, or how a happy tune from a happy memory can influence your mood? Music reduces stress, anxiety, even physical pain, and is capable of improving moods. Scientists claim that there is a direct link between music and our cardiovascular health.

When we play an instrument we further expand on all the benefits music provides: we improve our cognitive and language skills, we understand and work with patience and we develop our gross and fine motor skills. Through music we are continually learning and exercising our brains.

Playing an instrument furthers this brain activity, it helps us to be more methodical, with the ability to plan tasks and focus. It is a means of expression, by which we connect not only with our feelings but also with an empathetic exterior that helps us to take risks, overcome fears, giving us security and self-confidence. It gives us the opportunity to work as a team, whether in an orchestra or in a group, thus improving our practice, discipline and our hearing.

Children experiment with sounds and noise all the time, shouting with joy and expressing themselves loudly just for fun. Perhaps they are not aware of certain melodies when they are younger, but as they grow older they begin to show more attraction and interest in music. It is important that we give them the space to experiment with music, without forcing them, when they begin to be more sensitive to music. This can be done from home, or with the guidance of experienced music teachers working with children.

Learning and studying music has untold benefits, not just for children but for adults too. Learning a new skill helps us to grow our potential, so why not have fun, learn, and channel your emotions through music.
It is a beautiful road that you will never want to leave!

Learn more about how our brains are affected by music here. And how you can keep your brain young! And discover more on the “Mozart effect”, where studying and learning music, has improved students skills in mathematics, and other subjects!