The Benefits of taking a Music Exam

Posted on March 23rd, 2016 by shineuser

Exams can be a tough pill to swallow. Dreaded memorizing left until the last minute, the stress and anxiety of getting everything correct and the controversy of whether exams are a worthwhile medium for judging the aptitude of a student. On the other hand exams offer many benefits too and at shine music school in Barcelona, we like to focus on why taking a music exam with us can be good for your musical development.
As the exams at shine music school draw near, we’d like to take a look at why we think it’s a good idea for students to sign up and complete the graded exams we offer.
Besides offering a scaleable way for teachers to measure the improvement and knowledge of their students, taking a music exam gives the student goals to achieve. The deadline to accomplish certain tasks and the pressure demanded to succeed in the exam creates, for some, the focus they need to practice and advance with their studies. 
We offer our students two exams that they can participate in: the Exams from the Trinity College of music in London and the Royal School of Music. Our students are able to complete a whole host of exams for their particular instrument and style- from Pop and Rock exams to Classical. 

Completing an exams gives our students confidence and tools and skills for performance in the future. Receiving a certificate of excellence is something that they can take with them as an accomplishment, and one that can be used to further their musical career. At shine many students have completed the highest grades of musical exams and now can teach music in their own right. The exams have pushed them from perhaps only enjoying music as a hobby into acquiring a means to succeed in their lives. 
Exams take diligence and practice. Taking exams nurtures both of these abilities and even students who may not get the best results benefit from the experience of sitting an exam with a stranger or examiner that they have never met. It prepares them for possible instances in their future where they need to be adaptable and perform under pressure or think on their feet. They also learn to keep going, even if they have made a mistake, a quality that will serve them well. 
Exams may be scary, but doing music exams at the school are not compulsory, and this in itself makes them beneficial as the students choose to make their own goals. The consequences are not as dire, and this allows the student some freedom to prove himself or herself on their own. Perhaps this fact alone makes taking exams at the shine school of music in Barcelona a powerful advantage for the student, as improving and accomplishing a new goal by oneself is hugely beneficial to ones self esteem! 
You can find out more about our exams here.

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