5 benefits of using a soundproof room to work

Posted on February 1st, 2017 by shineuser


Why can a soundproof room in Barcelona be helpful? Different people come round The Music Room looking for a place to work, record, practice, have a private meeting or even teach. Things around the globe have been changing really quickly and most people find it difficult to find a spot to focus, especially co-workers who don’t have their own private office.

So, why can a silent or soundproofed room be useful?

  1. Work and concentration. Lot’s of people have created their own online business and many others have become freelancers. Where do these people work? At home? Difficult, too much noise and distraction. It can also become quite lonely to work at home. This is why co-working spaces are becoming very popular around the world. So if you have become a co-worker, that’s great! Now, what happens when you need your own space to really concentrate? This is when a soundproof room can be the best option. No distractions, no music, just you and your ideas! A perfect place to really, really concentrate.
  2. Recording. Most musicians and artists find it really difficult to record at home. Also people who work in different areas but need a quiet space to record audio tracks for their business. So a silent room can also be the best place for recording.
  3. To practice. Yoga, meditation, music, tai-chi, any hobby you have chosen that gives you real pleasure. A silent spot to practice guitar, piano, your painting skills, writing, can be a wonderful idea.
  4. Private meeting. You have a private meeting or skype online meeting but don’t know where to do it. A soundproof room can also be really helpful if you find yourself in this situation.
  5. To teach. You are a teacher and have student’s but can’t find a place for your one to one lessons. Could be music, languages, script writing, etc. Also a cozy place to teach at an affordable price.

If you find yourself in any of these situations our soundproof room at The Music Room could be an excellent idea.

If you are already a flat rate member (40E month) you are invited to use the soundproof room for 1E an hour.

If you are not a member yet but want to book the room for one hour, it’a also available for 8E an hour.

Both options include unlimited hand made coffee and organic tea!

More information at http://themusicroombcn.com/

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